
The Piltover Enforcer, Vi.

Inspired by the works of Fortiche Studios and John Singer Sargent, here's my own rendition of Vi in my style. I hope you guys like this portrait! It's one of my favourite fan-art pieces next to Caitlyn.

- A slick matte postcard in A4 and A5 that can be used to stick on your wall, frame it or praise when creating your first shrine.
- 250gsm (A4) and 300gsm (A5) to avoid creasing and bending- but it's still paper.. it's a rebellious source of nature.
- From a smoke-free home and will be thoroughly sanitized and packaged with care to be delivered to its new adoptive parent(s).

  • A4 Borderless
    12 available 100%
  • A5 Borderless
    12 available 100%